Additional Featured Products Include Aktina’s Range of Noninvasive Immobilization Solutions

Congers, NY (July 7, 2022) – Aktina Medical, the industry’s primary source for radiation oncology solutions, is showcasing its portfolio of innovative solutions, including its latest revolution, isoPoint™, at AAPM 2022 booth #5017. The new isoPoint™ Isocenter Location System is a first of its kind solution for accurately locating and characterizing a LINAC isocenter.
“We are excited to be demonstrating our isoPoint solution, among others, at AAPM 2022,” said Nicholas G. Zacharopoulos, CEO, Aktina Medical. “Medical physics professionals can see the system in action and rejoice as isoPoint removes the guesswork traditionally associated with isocenter characterization right before their eyes.”
The isoPoint system consists of a camera pod and an optical tracking module that is attached to the LINAC collimator to accurately measure the collimator axes of rotation. Using optical tracking with 1/100mm precision and patented techniques for couch axis alignment, beam alignment, and 3D Winston-Lutz analysis and display, the isoPoint solution eliminates SRS commissioning complexities with ease. Integrated software also provides a full suite of tools for isocenter management including optimized isocenter computation, live-track couch alignment, beam alignment current computation, and end-to-end beam-to-target error matrix computation.
Also on display from Aktina Medical is the company’s comprehensive line of immobilization solutions for improved patient comfort and outcomes. One notable solution, the positionPRO™ Radiotherapy Patient Immobilization and Set-up System, is the premiere modular immobilization system for cranial, head, and neck treatments. positionPRO’s unique pitch and roll correcting overlay, interchangeable head support modules, ergonomic hand grips, and distinctive thermoplastic shoulder support allow technicians to deliver more precise, efficient treatment while maintaining patient comfort.
Additional products available for demonstration at AAPM 2022 include the Memorial Cradle for body radiosurgery, Respiratory Compression Belts, SenoView Prone Breast System, Axion 1 Carbon Fiber Breast Board, and more.
Aktina Medical is a full-service radiation oncology designer and manufacturer. For more information on Aktina Medical’s extensive line of products, contact, go to, or visit booth 5017 at AAPM 2022.